Buffalo, New York- December 2, 2009 – In the wake of Tuesday’s Senate Aviation hearing on pilot fatigue, the ‘Families of Continental Flight 3407’ continued to push for a new approach to pilot commuting in the wake of last February’s tragedy that claimed fifty lives.
“Obviously if the FAA, the airlines, and the pilots are finally able to come together to revise pilot flight and duty time regulations that are over fifty years old, that will certainly be a positive to come our of our horrible loss,” stated Margie Brandquist of Leesburg, Virginia, who lost her sister Mary ‘Belle’ Pettys. “However, the fact that both pilots commuted significant distances from Seattle and Tampa in the twenty four hours prior to the flight certainly is a huge concern for us, and hopefully the FAA will re-think their decision to not address this issue in its rulemaking effort.”
The hearing, which was presided over by Senator Byron Dorgan (ND), was the fourth held by the Senate Aviation Subcommittee to examine issues associated with Flight 3407.
“Many thanks are due to Senator Dorgan, as well as Senators Lautenberg, Snowe, Klobuchar, and Lemieux, for their exellent questioning on these issues of fatigue and commuting, as well as that of pilot qualifications,” added Karen Eckert of Williamsville, New York, who lost her sister Beverly Eckert. “It is particularly heartening to see Senator Dorgan keep the bright light on addressing this problem of commuting, as well as continuing to hold the FAA’s feet to the fire to complete this rulemaking in a more timely fashion.”