Buffalo, New York- May 8, 2011 – The ‘Families of Continental Flight 3407’ have confirmed a meeting with Speaker of the House John Boehner in Buffalo on Monday, following a campaign appearance for congressional candidate Jane Corwin. At the meeting, the group will be voicing their strong opposition to the Shuster Amendment to the FAA Reauthorization Bill, which narrowly passed the House last month.
“Obviously we are appreciative of the opportunity to have our voices heard by Speaker Boehner,” stated John Kausner of Clarence Center, New York, who lost his twenty-four year old daughter Elly. “We are determined to ensure that last August’s landmark aviation safety legislation is translated into effective regulations, so that a needless tragedy like Flight 3407 is not allowed to occur again. The industry is dead-set against that happening, and that is why they worked behind the scenes to push this Shuster Amendment through. If the cargo and non-scheduled carriers score a legislative victory in the final FAA Bill on this language, you can bet the Air Transport Association and Regional Airline Association won’t be far behind with more campaign contributions and another piece of legislation to undermine the bill further. We are praying that Speaker Boehner will come through for us on this critical safety issue, so that another mother and father don’t have to lose their baby daughter in a plane crash less than a mile from their home.”
The group will meet with Boehner at the conclusion of his appearance at Salvatore’s Italian Gardens at approximately 1:00 pm, and will be available to the media immediately afterwards.