Buffalo, New York- April 20, 2010 – In an attempt to keep visibility on the ongoing negotiations between the Senate and House on the FAA Reauthorization Bill, members of the ‘Families of Continental Flight 3407’ announced that they will attend Wednesday’s House Aviation Subcommittee hearing. The hearing, which will examine implementation of NextGen, will be held at 2 p.m. in Room 2167 Rayburn House Office Building.
“Some have suggested that since the Senate passed its version of the bill that our role in the process is over,” stated Karen Eckert of Williamsville, New York, who lost her sister Beverly Eckert. “However, until the President signs this bill, we must maintain a human face on why this legislation is so critical, and this hearing will provide another chance for these key members on the House side to see our faces and hopefully be reminded of what is at stake.”
“In addition to the safety provisions that have come about as a result of Flight 3407, NextGen is another way in which the FAA Reauthorization Bill will make our skies safer for all passengers,” added Kevin Kuwik of Columbus, Ohio, who lost his girlfriend Lorin Maurer. “Congressmen Oberstar, Mica, Costello, and Petri have been leaders in making safety a priority, particularly in their efforts on H.R. 3371, and we are counting on them once again to guide this bill through its final phase.”
Both the Senate and House passed their own versions of the bill in March, with the Senate voting 93-0 and the House approving it by a 276-145 margin. The leadership of the Senate’s Commerce, Science, and Transportation Committee and House’s Transportation and Infrastructure Committee, along with their aviation subcommittees, are now responsible for resolving the differences in each bill.