Buffalo- April 29, 2009- Family members who lost loved ones in the Continental Connection Flight 3407 crash in Clarence, New York announce today that they will be attending the National Transportation and Safety Board (NTSB) public hearing in Washington DC, May 12 to May 14.
The ‘Families of Continental Flight 3407’ hopes that their presence at the hearings will remind the participants of the devastating reality each has suffered as a result of the crash. It is also their hope to continue to push for the common goal that they share with other family members of airline disasters: that safety recommendations made by the NTSB no longer languish in administrative limbo and instead proceed from recommendation to regulation in a timely manner.
“Our group has concerns over our government’s efforts to make air travel as safe as possible for our citizens,” according to Karen Eckert and Susan Bourque, whose sister Beverly Eckert was a passenger on the flight. “Whatever the final causes of the crash of flight 3407 prove to be, we never want another family to suffer as we have, and we hope we can somehow influence our government to be more proactive rather than reactive in addressing issues of airline safety. Our sister set a great example for us in working the halls of Congress to make America a safer place after 9/11, and our group hopes to do the same.”
Members of the group have plans to meet with congressional representatives from the New York delegation as well as from the Aviation Subcommittees in both the House and Senate to request their assistance and to express their concerns.
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The ‘Families of Continental Flight 3407’ group was immediately organized after the crash as a support network and an activist group to work on aviation safety reform. Visit the group’s website at www.3407memorial.com to learn more about their efforts.