Safety Advocacy Efforts of Flight 3407 Families to Be Commemorated on Monday with Plaque Dedication at FAA Headquarters

Event Will Take Place on the 12th Anniversary of Landmark Regional Airline Safety Legislation

Buffalo, NY – July 28, 2022 – A plaque honoring the aviation safety advocacy efforts of the ‘Families of Continental Flight 3407’ will be dedicated on Monday, August 1st at the headquarters of the Federal Aviation Administration, the Orville Wright Federal Building.  


Flight 3407 Families, Sullenberger Denounce Republic Airways’ Effort to Weaken Safety

Miracle on the Hudson Pilot Rebuts Attempt to Equate Airline’s Training Program to Military’s

Buffalo, New York – May 13, 2022 – With news that regional carrier Republic Airways has petitioned the Federal Aviation Administration for an exemption to the foundation of the landmark aviation law unanimously passed by Congress in 2010 in response to the tragic crash of Flight 3407, the ‘Families of Continental Flight 3407’ strenuously objected and called on acting FAA Administrator Billy Nolen to reject the proposal in the strongest and swiftest manner possible.


Flight 3407 Families on Alert Over Efforts to Loosen Pilot Qualification Requirements

Warn of Airlines Holding Essential Air Service Hostage to Win Government Concessions

Buffalo, New York – April 20, 2022 – With Sky West announcing the impending elimination of Essential Air Service (EAS) routes and airline lobbyists beginning to make the rounds to push for reduced pilot qualification requirements as part of the upcoming FAA Reauthorization process, the ‘Families of Continental Flight 3407’ challenged Congress and the Biden Administration to hold the line on these guidelines in the interest of the safety of the traveling public, specifically in terms of our nation’s regional carriers.


Flight 3407 Families’ Statement on the 13th Anniversary of the Crash

Airline Safety Act Has Now Been Fully Implemented

Buffalo, New York – February 12, 2022 – Yet again, the calendar turns to February 12th and the sights, sounds, and memories of a horrible tragedy come flooding back.  Sadness and pain as we reflect on our loved ones who are no longer with us, and all the experiences of the past thirteen years that they have not been able to be a part of.


Flight 3407 Families Achieve Final Milestone as Pilot Record Database is Finalized

Commend FAA, DOT, Biden Administration for Pushing Project Over the Finish Line

Buffalo, New York – May 27, 2021 – Twelve years after showing up in Washington for the initial National Transportation Safety Board hearing into the crash and making the first of what would become over seventy-five trips to Washington, the ‘Families of Continental Flight 3407’ at long last achieved closure with the finalization of the pilot record database, the last remaining initiative to be implemented from the landmark 2010 aviation safety legislation that Congress passed as a result of the crash.  The group thanked the executive agencies who worked on the project, as well as their advocates in Congress and the aviation sector who fought alongside them for over a decade, and reflected on the memories of their loved ones who were lost in the crash.


Flight 3407 Families Express Concern over Regional Airline Oversight in Wake of Report on Envoy Air Incidents

Call on Biden Administration to Increase Scrutiny of Regionals, Finalize Pilot Record Database

Buffalo, New York – May 20, 2021 – In response to a CNN report detailing Envoy Air, American Airlines’ largest regional carrier, receiving a safety warning from the Federal Aviation Administration addressing 9 separate safety incidents in 2019 and 2020, the ‘Families of Continental Flight 3407’ called on the Biden administration and Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg to step up its vigilance of all regional carriers in the United States.  The group also challenged the administration to finalize the rulemaking on the long-overdue Pilot Record Database, which has now been nearly 10 years in the making.


Flight 3407 Families’ Statement on the 12th Anniversary of the Crash

Call on Biden Administration and Buttigieg to Step Up on Pilot Record Database

Buffalo, New York – February 12, 2021 – Beth Ann.  Clay.  Darren.  Susan.  Donald.  Dawn.  Shawn.  Ferris.  Ronald.  Brad.
These were not just names.  They were family.  Co-workers.  Classmates.  Neighbors.  Friends.  Doers.  Achievers.  Difference-makers.  And they were tragically taken from us 12 years ago, much too early.


In Advance of Inauguration and Buttigieg Confirmation, Flight 3407 Families Call on Biden Administration to Put Safety First and Finalize Pilot Record Database

Buffalo, New York – January 20, 2021 – With Joe Biden set to be sworn in as the 46th President of the United States, and the Senate Commerce Committee scheduled to hold a confirmation hearing on former South Bend Mayor Pete Buttigieg to be Secretary of Transportation on Thursday, the ‘Families of Continental Flight 3407’ issued an urgent plea for the new administration to commit to prioritizing the safety of the American traveling public.


Flight 3407 Families Commemorate 10th Anniversary of Airline Safety Act Being Signed Into Law

Ushered in Unprecedented Era of Aviation Safety; Pilot Record Database All That Remains to Be Finalized

Buffalo, New York – July 29, 2020 – Saturday, August 1st, 2020 will mark the 10th anniversary of President Barack Obama signing Public Law 111-216, ‘The Airline Safety and Federal Aviation Administration Extension Act of 2010’ into law.  The bill was unanimously approved by Congress, passing the House of Representatives by voice vote and the Senate by unanimous consent.  The results of the law speak for themselves; new rules aimed at regional airline safety have been implemented addressing first officer qualification requirements, pilot fatigue, safety management systems, and pilot training and professionalism, and there has not been a fatal commercial airline crash on a U.S. carrier since the tragedy of Flight 3407 in February 2009.  The only provision of the law remaining to be implemented requires the creation of a comprehensive electronic pilot record database to be used by carriers as a tool in the hiring process.  In conjunction with the anniversary, the ‘Families of Continental Flight 3407’ issue the following statement: 


NTSB Finds FAA’s Failure to Meet Deadline on Pilot Records Database Led to Atlas Crash

Flight 3407 Families Call for Swift Completion of Final Rule, No Caving to Stakeholder Pressure

Buffalo, New York – July 15, 2020 – The ‘Families of Continental Flight 3407’ responded swiftly to Tuesday’s public board meeting of the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) on the February 2019 Atlas Air cargo crash, which determined that slipshod aviation industry hiring practices and repeated delays by the Department of Transportation (DOT) and Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) in implementing a pilot records database mandated by a 2010 safety law contributed to the fatal crash.  The group highlighted the NTSB’s findings ( and called on Secretary of Transportation Elaine Chao and FAA Administrator Stephen Dickson to lead their agencies to a prompt completion of the rulemaking project for the database, currently targeted for September 30th, 90 days after the June 30th close of the public comment period on the Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM).
